Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Parties In Nottingham Made Easy!

Organizing Christmas Parties is always a logistical headache. First off you have to organize when you are going to have your Christmas party based on the availability and preference of everyone who is going to attend. Christmas parties in offices can be even more complex to organize as there are often a good number of people involved and one person will be given the responsibility of organizing the whole thing. Then on top of this you have find a venue, book it, collect everyone’s deposits and hope it goes well. Of course there is always someone who moans on the night, often saying things like “why did we chose here”, ruining your night in the process...

Christmas Gifts, The online restaurant booking service Go dine has developed a series of tools to help residents of Nottingham find, book and organise their Christmas parties online with ease. The website has a breakdown of venues in the area suitable for Christmas parties. The idea being that for the first time, those in Nottingham can use the website as a reference tool allowing their colleagues to check the venues too, with menus, maps, photos and reviews all in an easy to use website. It’s free to use and bookings can be made online or over the phone.

Here are 5 tips to help you book your Christmas parties this year:

1 – Get in early... Sounds obvious but if you do book your Christmas party early it will be a lot easier. Tip – add a reminder in your calendar to ensure that you remember for around the end of August as that is when menu planning in restaurants will start.

2 – Get a date fixed... Not always easy to do, but getting a list of dates and running a vote can be the best way to go about it for organizing your Christmas lunch or dinner party. Linking to the point above, choosing a date early on will allow you some flexibility in case you need to rebook you’re the event.

3 – Collect a fixed deposit in advance... Around the Christmas period restaurants and venues will almost always collect deposits. The deposits can vary from £5-£10 a head and sometimes more. To be safe collect £10 of every attendee and pay the restaurant early to guarantee you’re booking.

4 – Find the right venue... Shop around a bit and send your attendees the list of venues. Facebook can be a good tool to help organizing this as you are able to invite people to join your group and vote on your favorite choice.

5 – Enjoy... With this many people to please, as long as you have done your best, just enjoy your Christmas party. Somewhere along the line it has been forgotten that Xmas parties are there to be enjoyed so don’t let other who wine get you down, simply enjoy!


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