Sunday, January 17, 2010

Travel The World By Bicycle!

Travelling by bicycle is good for your health! Sometimes, for laziness and fear of too much effort, you ignore the benefits of a trip by bicycle.

While you ride your bicycle, you can see more things than by foot.

Thirty kilometers by bicycle does not require special physical qualities, thirty kilometers by foot are very hard to walk.

Unlike the motorcycle, by bicycle, you can enjoy all the sounds and the smells of the country you are visiting.

Nature lovers can proudly say they are travelling by the most eco-friendly and cheapest way.

It could be very easy to reach the airport and then to leave it, no traffic and no tourist sellers, like the taxi driver that proposes the inn of his cousin, in the town center... a false bargain, for sure!

If you travel by bicycle, once recovered, jumps up and go to the town center. Here look for a tourist office and ask about the information you need. It is important to learn a few words of English to ask for information abroad.

Bicycle touring creates a friendly atmosphere, suitable both for physical health and mental relaxation.

The slow rythem of your bike allows you to chat and play with your children, a great way to spend peaceful and relaxed family holidays.

By bike, everybody inspires confidence and sympathy: it is easier to obtain useful information and tips from local people, including policemen and customs officers!

Travelling by bicycle is five times faster than walking, so it is easy to meet pleasent people!

When you decide to have a cycling travel, it is necessary to plan and organize everything.

We must begin by tracing the path and seek as much information as possible about the state of roads.

Meanwhile you have to train, in oder to not tearing the muscles at the first climb ...

Each participant must choose every detail of its bike:
* mountain bike or road?
* saddle and seat
* brake and gear control
* light control
* look for the more suitable panniers
* prepare the toolbox for small repairs
* helmet, sunglasses, sun and insects protective cream
* lock, key and key's duplicate
* maps and gps

To complete your job preparing a bicycle touring travel, remember you to sign a travel insurance!

Now everything is ready ... have a good journey with your family by bike all over the world!

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